Operations and Maintenance

Operations and Maintenance

We ensure that your plant is impeccably maintained and efficiently managed to operate at highest level of power generation. We deploy state-of-the-art, real-time monitoring systems that help with preventive maintenance to rule out potential threats before they impact production. Our quick response team keeps a watchful eye and is ready to take rapid action to prevent downtime.

Our Operation and Maintenance services include following activities:

  • Panel Cleaning
  • DC & AC electrical sub system testing
  • Mechanical inspection
  • IV Curve Testing
  • Sensor Calibration
  • Security Systems
  • Documentation of events
  • Warranty Management
  • Diagnose faults

Preventive Maintenance (PM)
Includes routine inspection and servicing of Equipments which helps in preventing breakdown and resulting in increased energy yield.

Corrective Maintenance (CM)
Includes repair of broken down equipment.

Condition-Based Monitoring(CBM)
Involves monitoring of Equipments and real time based plant operation. This helps in addressing potential problems at a very early stage to prevent downtime.